Project Description

The skate accelerometer consists of a tri-axis accelerometer mounted to a skateboard. It is to be mounted on the center of the board. Two accelerometers will be imbedded in two Velcro bands. These bands will be worn around the ankles of the user. An accelerometer will also be fitted to a helmet. These extra accelerometers are necessary to provide reference points for the accelerometer attached to the skateboard.

Each of these accelerometers will be coupled with a wireless system. The Arduino Xbee Shield Wireless Module will be used because it includes a wireless system and an accelerometer. The signals are transmitted to a microcontroller which is interfaced with a laptop computer to be analyzed and processed. The microcontroller that will be used is the Arduino Diecimila USB Microcontroller Board which uses a USB interface.

Position, speed, and acceleration of the skateboard will be measured with this data. Not only will these values be found but patterns will be detected. This will allow the computer to identify tricks performed and calculate hang time as well as height of jumps.

This data will be converted into an animation that can be recorded and displayed on the computer screen. A long term file of trick history will be made.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The end

Serial data logger program and data post processing program complete. Obtained a data rate of 1K bytes. Post processing program works great. It can detect an ollie, a kickflip, or a pop shove-it. It implements a filter that produces better estimates of the skateboards speed and position. Final poster and report are being finished up. Come check us out tomorrow on the 3rd floor of the engineering building between 1 and 4 p.m. Thank you everybody for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Looks very cool guys! would love to hear more about your experience and see what else can be done with this.
    email me at



About Me

Logan, Utah, United States
Electrical Engineering student at USU. Responsible for the crop circles in England.